Winscram.exe is a Windows program that will scramble, or unscramble up to 7 letters or numbers, or combinations of both. You enter any combination of letters and numbers, and it will show you all the possible combinations. With seven letter entries, there are 5040 results. These can be copied to the clipboard selectively, or just browsed. I've been told it is great for solving those jumbled word problems. :) I wrote it as an exercise in string manipulation, just for the challenge, but it seems to be useful. With seven entries it pushes Visual Basic to the limit, so the copy to clipboard function doesn't work as you might expect. You can only highlight one item at a time, but all highlighted items are in fact copied. To unhighlight an item, simply choose it again, this will remove it from the clipboard copy list. The list is only written to the clipboard when the Edit/Copy is chosen from the menu. It's not too difficult to understand when you see it work. This is about the third version of the program, and it has been pretty well tested in all resolutions, but comes with the same warranty the Big Guys give you. None. I don't expect it to do any damage to your system, and it does no file activity, so it should be reasonably safe! The worst thing it might do is copy over something important you forgot to save from the clipboard! In order to run, Winscram requires VBRUN200.DLL which is available on many BBSes and has not been included with this archive. Please send any bug reports or suggestions directly to me. I can be reached as HPJ@AOL.COM or 72073.332@CIS.COM. Any ideas for other programs are encouraged. Any Visual Basic programmers who wish to see the source files can write and ask. They are probably available... :) Harold Pruett... :)